Product Updates

Apr 1, 2024

April 2024 Content & Platform Update

Welcome to the OffSec April 2024 content update! Find the full scoop inside.

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We’re excited to bring you the April content roundup! During the month, we released 6 new Learning Paths and the highly anticipated Cyber Ranges. 

OffSec’s new Cyber Ranges

Enterprise Cyber Range (ECR)

Enterprise Cyber Range (ECR) now includes the long-awaited tournament capability! Test your teams’ skills, experience, and preparedness against modern cyber threats and attack methods with:

  • 500+ machines
  • 130+ attack vectors
  • 40 chains

ECR combines Offensive and Defensive Cyber Range, and Versus into a single powerful platform with frequent updates to reflect the latest attacks which is available as a standalone platform, or as part of Learn Enterprise. 


An OffSec exclusive, Versus is a powerful component of the Enterprise Cyber Range designed to stage internal cybersecurity competitions, pitting red teams against blue teams in live-fire scenarios. It provides a dynamic environment to assess and enhance the skills of both offensive and defensive cybersecurity teams. Features include:

  • Tournament creation: Set up competitions in three easy steps.
  • Real-time assessments: Evaluate skills in a live-fire setting.
  • Performance tracking: Monitor progress with detailed leaderboards.
  • Team training: Simultaneously train multiple teams within a single platform.
  • Customization and flexibility: Offer tailored scenarios based on specific enterprise needs.

Offensive Cyber Range

Offensive Cyber Range (OCR) provides a hyper-realistic environment for red teams to master cybersecurity tactics against the most complex network vulnerabilities. Tailored to mirror real enterprise networks, OCR ensures teams are adept at recognizing and mitigating current and emerging threats effectively.

Defensive Cyber Range

Defensive Cyber Range (DCR) is an advanced training arena that equips blue teams with the skills to detect, contain, and neutralize threats through live-fire simulations. This platform allows teams to test defenses, refine incident response strategies, and build knowledge and teamwork to improve speed of detection and decrease business impact.

New Learning Paths

DevSecOps Essentials

In DevSecOps Essentials you will learn essential skills to automate
infrastructure while keeping security in mind. You will also discover how to optimize
workflows and speed up software delivery. Available to Learn Fundamentals, Learn Enterprise, and Learn Unlimited subscribers, this Learning Path caters to learners seeking expertise in DevOps processes, infrastructure automation, and security practices. Ideal for IT professionals, system administrators, and DevOps engineers. 


  • Introduction to Infrastructure as Code (IaC)
  • IAM Design Principles
  • Configuration Management Essentials
  • And more…

Threat Hunting Essentials

The Threat Hunting Essentials Learning Path, available to Learn Enterprise and Learn Unlimited subscribers, transforms security professionals into proactive threat detectives. Master the fundamentals of threat hunting, understand the tactics of diverse threat actors, and gain hands-on experience analyzing data to uncover hidden threats. 


  • Threat Hunting Concepts and Practices
  • Communication and Reporting for Threat Hunters
  • Hunting on Endpoints
  • And more…


Leveraging industry-standard frameworks from MITRE, cybersecurity teams can develop the defensive skills required, for compliance, to protect their organization.

The three MITRE D3FEND Learning Paths from OffSec, available to Learn Unlimited and Learn Enterprise subscribers, focus on modeling threatshardening systems, and detecting vulnerabilities

GitOps Essentials

GitOps Essentials Learning Path, available to all Learn subscribers, ensures Git competency, improving baseline knowledge of this foundational technology and reducing risks posed by inexperienced Git users or naive Git system designs.


  • Git Branching and Merging
  • Introduction to Git Security
  • Overview of CI/CD
  • And more…