Admin MySQL Auxiliary Modules
a11y.text Admin MySQL Auxiliary Modulesmysql_enum
a11y.text mysql_enumThe mysql_enum module will connect to a remote MySQL database server with a given set of credentials and perform some basic enumeration on it.
msf > use auxiliary/admin/mysql/mysql_enum
msf auxiliary(mysql_enum) > show options
Module options (auxiliary/admin/mysql/mysql_enum):
Name Current Setting Required Description
---- --------------- -------- -----------
PASSWORD no The password for the specified username
RHOST yes The target address
RPORT 3306 yes The target port
USERNAME no The username to authenticate as
To configure the module, we provide values for PASSWORD, RHOST, and USERNAME then let it run against the target.
msf auxiliary(mysql_enum) > set PASSWORD s3cr3t
PASSWORD => s3cr3t
msf auxiliary(mysql_enum) > set RHOST
msf auxiliary(mysql_enum) > set USERNAME root
USERNAME => root
msf auxiliary(mysql_enum) > run
[*] Running MySQL Enumerator...
[*] Enumerating Parameters
[*] MySQL Version: 5.1.41
[*] Compiled for the following OS: Win32
[*] Architecture: ia32
[*] Server Hostname: xen-xp-sploit
[*] Data Directory: C:\xampp\mysql\data\
[*] Logging of queries and logins: OFF
[*] Old Password Hashing Algorithm OFF
[*] Loading of local files: ON
[*] Logins with old Pre-4.1 Passwords: OFF
[*] Allow Use of symlinks for Database Files: YES
[*] Allow Table Merge:
[*] SSL Connection: DISABLED
[*] Enumerating Accounts:
[*] List of Accounts with Password Hashes:
[*] User: root Host: localhost Password Hash: *58C036CDA51D8E8BBBBF2F9EA5ABF111ADA444F0
[*] User: pma Host: localhost Password Hash: *602F8827EA283047036AFA836359E3688401F6CF
[*] User: root Host: % Password Hash: *58C036CDA51D8E8BBBBF2F9EA5ABF111ADA444F0
[*] The following users have GRANT Privilege:
[*] User: root Host: localhost
[*] User: root Host: %
[*] The following users have CREATE USER Privilege:
[*] User: root Host: localhost
[*] User: root Host: %
[*] The following users have RELOAD Privilege:
[*] User: root Host: localhost
[*] User: root Host: %
[*] The following users have SHUTDOWN Privilege:
[*] User: root Host: localhost
[*] User: root Host: %
[*] The following users have SUPER Privilege:
[*] User: root Host: localhost
[*] User: root Host: %
[*] The following users have FILE Privilege:
[*] User: root Host: localhost
[*] User: root Host: %
[*] The following users have POCESS Privilege:
[*] User: root Host: localhost
[*] User: root Host: %
[*] The following accounts have privileges to the mysql databse:
[*] User: root Host: localhost
[*] User: root Host: %
[*] The following accounts are not restricted by source:
[*] User: root Host: %
[*] Auxiliary module execution completed
msf auxiliary(mysql_enum) >
a11y.text mysql_sqlThe mysql_sql module performs SQL queries on a remote server when provided with a valid set of credentials.
msf > use auxiliary/admin/mysql/mysql_sql
msf auxiliary(mysql_sql) > show options
Module options (auxiliary/admin/mysql/mysql_sql):
Name Current Setting Required Description
---- --------------- -------- -----------
PASSWORD no The password for the specified username
RHOST yes The target address
RPORT 3306 yes The target port
SQL select version() yes The SQL to execute.
USERNAME no The username to authenticate as
To configure the module, we provided the PASSWORD, RHOST, and USERNAME settings and we will leave the default query to pull the server version.
msf auxiliary(mysql_sql) > set PASSWORD s3cr3t
PASSWORD => s3cr3t
msf auxiliary(mysql_sql) > set RHOST
msf auxiliary(mysql_sql) > set USERNAME root
USERNAME => root
msf auxiliary(mysql_sql) > run
[*] Sending statement: 'select version()'...
[*] | 5.1.41 |
[*] Auxiliary module execution completed
msf auxiliary(mysql_sql) >