EXP-301: Windows User Mode Exploit Development

EXP-301: Windows User Mode Exploit Development

OffSec’s Windows User-Mode Exploit Development (EXP-301) course provides a comprehensive understanding of modern exploit development techniques. Learners gain hands-on experience crafting custom exploits and bypassing security defenses in a self-paced environment designed to elevate their skills in ethical hacking and vulnerability discovery.

Successful completion of the online training course and passing the associated exam earns the OffSec Exploit Developer (OSED) certification. This certification validates expertise in advanced exploit development techniques, including reverse engineering, writing shellcode, and bypassing modern mitigations, making certified professionals invaluable for identifying and addressing vulnerabilities in software applications.

OSED Certification Badge

Starting at $1,749

Windows User Mode Exploit Development Syllabus

  • WinDbg Tutorial

    Master the powerful WinDbg debugger to effectively analyze crashes, investigate memory dumps, and identify vulnerabilities in Windows applications.

  • Stack Buffer Overflows

    Understand the mechanics of stack buffer overflows and learn how to exploit them to gain control of vulnerable programs.

  • Exploiting SEH Overflows

    Delve into Structured Exception Handler (SEH) overflows, a specific type of buffer overflow, and master techniques to leverage them for code execution.

  • Intro to IDA Pro

    Familiarize yourself with IDA Pro, a leading disassembler and debugger, essential for reverse engineering software binaries and uncovering vulnerabilities.

  • Overcoming Space Restrictions

    Egghunters: Learn how to bypass space limitations in your exploit payloads by utilizing egghunter techniques to locate and execute shellcode.

  • Shellcode From Scratch

    Develop the skills to write your own custom shellcode, enabling you to perform specific actions on compromised systems.

  • Reverse-Engineering Bugs

    Learn how to systematically analyze software binaries to identify and understand vulnerabilities that can be exploited.

  • Stack Overflows and DEP/ASLR Bypass

    Master advanced techniques for exploiting stack overflows while bypassing modern security mitigations such as Data Execution Prevention (DEP) and Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR).

  • Format String Specifier Attacks

    Understand and exploit format string vulnerabilities, which can be leveraged to read or write arbitrary memory locations.

  • Custom ROP Chains and ROP Payload Decoders

    Learn how to construct custom Return-Oriented Programming (ROP) chains to bypass security defenses and build ROP payload decoders for stealthy exploitation.

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Course + Cert
Exam Bundle


The bundle includes 90 days of access to a single course, the associated labs and a single exam attempt.

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One year of lab access alongside a single course plus two exam attempts.

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Unlimited OffSec Learning Library access plus unlimited exam attempts for one year.

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*Subscription auto-renews unless canceled.

What our community is saying

Anonymous Learner

Anonymous Learner

My journey has taken me through the intricacies of reverse engineering, crafting custom shellcode...
I'm grateful for my dedication and curiosity about cybersecurity, and the resilience I've developed along the way.

Dani R.

Dani R.

Threat Intelligence Analysis, QuoIntelligence

...everything that I learned will be very helpful in my malware reverse engineer path... thanks OffSec for constantly maintaining and improving their training system...

Jorge Giménez Duro

Jorge Giménez Duro

Security Researcher

This is, by far, the most challenging (and fun) exam of OffSec I have done so far, but It was worth the time; the content is extremely well structured :)

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OffSec Exploit Development Courses & Certifications