
Kali Linux

Aug 26, 2010

Metasploit Unleashed – Updates

Updates to the Metasploit Unleashed Free online Training course, by Offensive Security.

1 min read

Metasploit Unleashed UpdatedOnce again, we have a few exciting updates we would like to inform you about. First and foremost, our Metasploit Unleashed Free Training course is going through a major overhaul, and will be updated and maintained on a monthly basis. You can expect a whole lot of new content being added onto the Metasploit Unleashed Wiki in the next few months. For now, we’ve added 9 new sections. We will keep you updated through our new “metasploit-unleashed” category – which will focus on the wiki changelog.

In other news, we have started a new initiative in the Exploit Database, and are starting to accept members to the site from next month. Read more about this at the Exploit Database Blog.

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