
Kali Linux

Jul 12, 2011

Metasploit: A Penetration Testers Guide

Offensive Security is happy to announce the availability of Metasploit, The Penetration Tester’s Guide – A new book by Dave Kennedy (ReL1K), Devon Kearns (dookie), Jim O’Gorman (_Elwood_), and Mati Aharoni (muts). The book is released through No Starch Press.

2 min read

Offensive Security is happy to announce the availability of Metasploit, The Penetration Tester’s Guide – A new book by Dave Kennedy (ReL1K), Devon Kearns (dookie), Jim O’Gorman (_Elwood_), and Mati Aharoni (muts). The book is released through No Starch Press.

The goals of the book are to provide a single point of reference for the Metasploit Framework which doesn’t quickly become outdated and to provide an in depth resource for penetration testers who wish to understand the Framework inside out. The book covers everything from Metasploit basics to fuzzing, exploit development, custom module creation, writing post exploitation modules and meterpreter kung-fu.

In addition to the Metasploit Framework, we cover toolkits that leverage the Framework such as the Social-Engineer Toolkit (SET) and Fast-Track. The book also integrates the Penetration Testing Execution Standard (PTES) as the general methodology for performing penetration testing.

As part of this release announcement, the book is available for pre orders with a 40% discount at No Starch Press when you use the discount code of REDTEAM. This special discount code is valid until midnight on Wednesday, July 20th and if you pre-order the print book, you will immediately receive a PDF version of the book so get your copy now! Over 25% of net revenue going to the authors will be donated to the HFC group.

In addition, the authors will be appearing on the PaulDotCom Podcast this Thursday and the Infosec Daily Podcast Friday to discuss the book and give away free tickets to DerbyCon.

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