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Kali Linux

Aug 7, 2010

Metasploit 3.4 and SET 0.6.1 on iPhone 4

Installing metasploit and social engineering toolkit SET on iPhone 4

3 min read

Metasploit and SET on iPhone4Metasploit 3.4.2 on the iPhone 4

Just a quick update on getting your favorite tools on iOS 4 – Metasploit and SET. You need to have a Jailbroken iPhone with SSH access for this. You will also need to install nano and APT 0.7 Strict via Cydia. Getting everything up and running is a breeze now. Open a console and type in:

[cc lang=”bash”]

cd /private/var/
apt-get install subversion nano ruby rubygems wget python
apt-get clean
wget http://www.metasploit.com/releases/framework-3.4.1.tar.bz2
tar jxpf framework-3.4.1.tar.bz2
cd msf3
svn update

Remember that everything takes a bit more time on the iPhone, be patient while running msfconsole for the first time. Once that’s done, its a quick path to a shell:

Metasploit Framework Shell iphone 4

Social Engineering Toolkit (SET) 0.6.1

Also a breeze to install:

[cc lang=”bash”]

cd /private/var/
svn co http://svn.thepentest.com/social_engineering_toolkit/ SET/
cd SET/
./set # (Agree to install the pexpect and beautiful soup python modules).

Edit your set config file found at config/set_config and change the msf path to /private/var/msf3 (or relevant path). We ran the Website Cloner with a Malicious Java Applet :

Social Engineering Toolkit iPhone 4

And were immediately greeted by a meterpreter shell:

Meterpreter Shell on iPhone 4

UPDATE: A few days after this post was made, the Cydia repos got an updated ruby 1.9 package, which breaks metasploit completely.

[cc lang=”bash”]
muts:/private/var/msf3 root# ./msfconsole
ruby(528,0x3e7c27c8) malloc: *** error for object 0x316eff0: pointer being freed was not allocated
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
Abort trap

To resolve this, uninstall ruby 1.9, and rubygems, and install the older packages (ruby_1.8.6-p111-5_iphoneos-arm.deb and rubygems_1.2.0-3_iphoneos-arm.deb) manually with dpkg.

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