
OffSec News

Oct 28, 2021

Downloads in Subscriptions

Have you subscribed to the OffSec Training Library? Learn about the development and release of the new OffSec course downloads feature.

5 min read

A little over a month ago we released our new subscription offerings, Learn One and Learn Unlimited. We followed that up with a brief post explaining our design decisions of why the subscriptions are built as they are, and the value they offer.

We are very pleased with the response we have received, and how these subscription offerings have been embraced. As we explained in our previous posts, we constructed these offerings based on the behavior patterns of students who have successfully completed the training, and earned our Offensive Security certifications. The subscriptions provide an all-in-one solution, with one single product that provides you with everything you need to meet your training goals.

Like anything new, however, nothing is ever perfect on the first version. We received feedback from our students that we want to be responsive to, so we made a change in how the subscriptions work. You asked. We listened.

New Training Subscriptions


Enjoy flexible learning options with the new Offensive Security Training Library subscriptions – Learn One and Learn Unlimited

Learn more


Introducing Downloads in Subscriptions

As explained, we believe that accessing our training material through our new OffSec Training Library (OTL) is the best option. It allows us to update the content on a frequent basis, allowing everything from errata corrections to be made inline, to releasing new content on a much more regular basis. Accessing the training online allows our students to have up-to-date training materials.

However, some students made the case that they really want to be able to download courses so they can access the material offline, and retain the content after the subscription period is over.

We heard you, evaluated the feedback, and we agreed. We will make a change to further increase the value of the Learn subscriptions.

We are pleased to announce downloads in subscriptions.

Smashing Idea!

How Downloads will work

Let’s get into the details. What can you expect with downloads when you have a subscription?

For Learn One you will be able to download the course content and video in the same manner as you can for a stand-alone course purchase. Using the OTL, you will be able to request the downloadable material to be generated at any point during your subscription. This downloadable material will be generated, and a link will be sent to you. You will then have 72 hours to download the content. Learn One students will be able to do this one time during the subscription term.

If you have a Learn Unlimited subscription that features all of OffSec’s online courses, you will have access to downloads as well. Downloads in Learn Unlimited will be limited to three courses of your choosing. Like Learn One, downloads will only be available one time for each course you request downloads for.

It is important to note that with frequent updates and corrections as needed, there likely will be times where the downloadable material is out of sync with the content in the OTL. As we stated, a great thing with the OTL is we can do regular and frequent updates. We will update the download materials when we deem appropriate. However, the number of downloads (one time for Learn One, and up to three times for Learn Unlimited) remain the case. We will not be offering standalone course updates as a separate product going forward.

Downloads will only be available for fully released courses. With the OffSec Training Library we can, and will, do rolling releases to provide you the training as quickly as possible. For example, this may be a new course that has text and labs but doesn’t yet have the videos, or a new course where we release the first set of Topics instead of waiting for the entire course to be ready. In these instances, the course materials will be available for download after the full course is released.

Downloads will be available for all 200 and 300-level courses, except for PEN-210 (WiFu). Training content in the OTL that is not a part of these courses, such as Topics in PEN-100, will not be available for download.

These features will be added to Learn One and Learn Unlimited by the end of 2021.

Going Forward

Your feedback is very important to us, and we do listen. We intend these Learn subscription offerings to be the best option for all students, and we will continue to make alterations as necessary over time.

So keep engaging with us! As we said before, join our discord, interact with us directly, and let us know what’s on your mind!

And as always, keep your eyes open for more announcements here. In fact, I think it’s likely you can expect a really nice announcement very soon. Stay tuned…

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