Research & Tutorials | OffSec


Research & Tutorials

OffSec experts share cutting-edge vulnerability research, tool reviews, tutorials, virtual lab and content walkthroughs.
Onity Door Unlocker Round Two
Research & Tutorials

Oct 23, 2012

1 min read

Onity Door Unlocker, Round Two.

On one of our engagements, we figured an Onity Hotel door unlocker would be useful to us. Inspired by the James bond type setup we saw on the Spiderlabs blog post, we thought we’de try to build a small, simple and “TSA friendly” version of the Onity key unlocker. Pro Tip: Connecting a 9v battery with the wrong polarity to an Arduino Mini Pro will make pretty sparks.

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Stand-Alone EM4x RFID Harvester

Research & Tutorials

Stand-Alone EM4x RFID Harvester

Continuing off from our last RFID Cloning with Proxmark3 post, we wanted to build a small, portable, stand-alone EM4x RFID tag stealer. We needed an easy way of storing multiple tag IDs whilst “rubbing elbows” with company personnel. The proxmark3 seemed liked an overkill and not particularly fast at reading em4x tags so we figured we’d try hooking up our RoboticsConnection RFID reader to a Teensy and see if we could make them play nicely together.

Sep 27, 2012

2 min read

Cloning RFID Tags with Proxmark 3

Research & Tutorials

RFID Cloning with Proxmark 3

Our Proxmark 3 (and antennae) finally arrived, and we thought we’d take it for a spin. It’s a great little device for physical pentests, allowing us to capture, replay and clone certain RFID tags. We started off by reading the contents of the Proxmark wiki, to understand (more or less) what we are up against. This proved to be a vitally important step, and we are thankful we had the insight to RTFM a tad bit before.

Sep 24, 2012

5 min read

FreePBX Exploit Phone Home

Research & Tutorials

FreePBX Exploit Phone Home

During a routine scan of new vulnerability reports for the Exploit Database, we came across a single post in full disclosure by Martin Tschirsich, about a Remote Code Execution vulnerability in FreePBX. This vulnerability sounded intriguing, and as usual, required verification in the EDB. At first glance, the vulnerability didn’t jump out at us, especially

Mar 23, 2012

3 min read

The Art of Human Hacking

Research & Tutorials

The Art of Human Hacking

It’s hard to believe that the project began 14 months ago. This project started from a simple idea ­ to build the world’s first framework for social engineers. In these 14 months, this project has grown into the leading resource for all real social engineering education. The CTF that we held at Defcon 18

Dec 19, 2010

2 min read

Godaddy Workspace XSS

Research & Tutorials

Godaddy Workspace XSS – Who’s your Daddy ?

An interesting submission in from the Exploit Database – a Godaddy workspace XSS vulnerability. Although we did not post it (live site), the vulnerability seems real, and definitely worth mentioning.

In essence, this vulnerability allows an attacker to send malicious JavaScript to a non suspecting victim – allowing stealing of cookies and other nasty stuff. Effectively, if you are using the Godaddy web interface, an attacker can acquire a your session information and log to the account with no credentials.All Godaddy workspace users, ph33r.

Dec 11, 2010

1 min read


Research & Tutorials

Offensive Security Exploit Archive Online

After a short and intense setup, we are ready to present the Offsec Exploit Archive. We’ve recreated the milw0rm database, updated it and are now accepting submissions. The purpose of the site is to provide researchers and security enthusiasts a repository of exploits, and when possible, the relevant affected software. We’ve started the party by

Nov 16, 2009

Showing 27 - 33 of 33 entries