Kali NetHunter

Jul 16, 2019
3 min read
Kali NetHunter App Store – Public Beta
Kali NetHunter has been undergoing a ton of changes as of late. Now supporting over 50 devices and running on Android devices from KitKat (v4.4) to Pie (v9.0), its amazing the extra capabilities that have been introduced.But, we don’t want to stop there. After a ton of work, we are really excited to introduce the Kali NetHunter App Store!

Kali NetHunter
Kali NetHunter 3.0 Released
NetHunter has been actively developed for over a year now, and has undergone nothing short of a complete transformation since its last release. We’ve taken our time with v3.0, and the results are a complete overhaul of the NetHunter Android application, with a more polished interface and a fully functioning feature set.Through the amazing NetHunter community work led by binkybear, fattire, and jmingov, we can now proudly look at NetHunter and confidently consider it to be a stable, commercial grade mobile penetration testing platform. And so, we are really excited with todays release of NetHunter 3.0 – let the games begin!
Jan 6, 2016
4 min read

Kali NetHunter
NetHunter 1.2 – Lollipop & Nexus 6/9
Kali NetHunter 1.2 Released! Kali NetHunter 1.2 is fresh out, with a whole bunch of improvements, bug fixes….and yes, Android Lollipop support. This means that NetHunter now supports the Nexus6 and Nexus 9 devices too! This is awesome news to all those who have bought these new Nexus devices and have yearned to install the
May 11, 2015
3 min read

Kali NetHunter
NetHunter 1.1 Released
With the opening shots of 2015 fired, we are happy to make some announcements in the NetHunter arena! One of the things that excite us the most about Kali Linux is how our Kali projects always end up being greater than the sum of their parts. This is most evident in our Kali NetHunter Project – the first open source Android based penetration testing platform for Nexus and OnePlus devices. Wait, OnePlus phones? Yes! Our new NetHunter v1.1 release brings with it some great news – and so we begin.
Jan 5, 2015
4 min read