Kali Linux

Mar 13, 2013
1 min read
Kali Linux Has Been Released!
Seven years of developing BackTrack Linux has taught us a significant amount about what we, and the security community, think a penetration testing distribution should look like. We’ve taken all of this knowledge and experience and implemented it in our “next generation” penetration testing distribution.

Kali Linux
BackTrack Reborn – Kali Linux
It’s been 7 years since we released our first version of BackTrack Linux, and the ride so far has been exhilarating. When the dev team started talking about BackTrack 6 (almost a year ago), each of us put on paper a few “wish list goals” that we each wanted implemented in our “next version”. It
Jan 22, 2013
1 min read

Kali Linux
Metasploit: A Penetration Testers Guide
Offensive Security is happy to announce the availability of Metasploit, The Penetration Tester’s Guide – A new book by Dave Kennedy (ReL1K), Devon Kearns (dookie), Jim O’Gorman (_Elwood_), and Mati Aharoni (muts). The book is released through No Starch Press.
Jul 12, 2011
2 min read

Kali Linux
MSFU Updates – June 2011
Over this past month, we have put a great deal of time into bringing our free online course, Metasploit Unleashed in line with BackTrack 5. The majority of these changes are cosmetic in nature but they should help to reduce confusion for newcomers to Metasploit and BackTrack while ensuring a consistent look throughout. We have also taken this opportunity to do more functionality verification in the course.
Jun 16, 2011
1 min read

Kali Linux
MSFU Updates – May 2011
This month, even with the rampant development and release of BackTrack 5, we still devoted some time to updating Metasploit Unleashed. The Metasploit team is making a great deal of progress switching over to post-exploitation modules so we focused entirely on them this month and added many to the Metasploit Module Reference section.
May 16, 2011
1 min read

Kali Linux
MSFU Updates – April 2011
This past month has seen more additions to our free Metasploit Unleashed training course, primarily in our on-going effort to build out the Metasploit Module Reference section. Also, with the Metasploit team moving away from meterpreter scripts in favor of post-exploitation modules, we have been updating the relevant sections of MSFU.
Apr 18, 2011
1 min read

Kali Linux
Discover your inner Pirate
For the last two years Offensive Security has been taking the live training market by storm with its flagship course, Pentesting with BackTrack. We are very excited to announce that the next PWB live training will be held in an exotic location the Caribbean island of St. Kitts and Nevis.
Apr 14, 2011
2 min read

Kali Linux
BackTrack 5 on a Motorola Xoom
In the past few days we have been toying with some Motorola hardware, and have managed to get a basic build of BackTrack 5 (+ toolchain) on a Motorola Xoom. The possibilities look exciting as we are slowly building several experimental arm packages. Our team does not have much experience with the Android OS nor ARM hardware, but so far – so good. We will not promise an ARM release on May 10th, as this new “experiment” was not planned in any way – but we’ll do our best.
Apr 12, 2011
2 min read

Kali Linux
MSFU Updates – March 2011
This past month has seen more additions to our free Metasploit Unleashed training course, primarily in our on-going effort to build out the Metasploit Module Reference section. At the same time, we are still continuing to work through the course content to ensure that it is still all functional.
Mar 15, 2011
1 min read

Kali Linux
MSFU Updates – February 2011
This past month has seen a number of additions to our free Metasploit Unleashed training course, primarily in our on-going effort to build out the Metasploit Module Reference section. In addition, we are still continuing to work through the course content to ensure that it is still all functional.
Feb 15, 2011
1 min read

Kali Linux
MSFU Updates – January 2011
This past month has seen a number of additions to our free Metasploit Unleashed training course, primarily in our on-going effort to build out the Metasploit Module Reference section. The Metasploit team has been developing at a rapid pace with new features and modules being frequently added. We are also continuing to go through the course content itself and verify the functionality of the provided material.
Jan 17, 2011
1 min read

Kali Linux
MSFU Updates – December 2010
This month we have again been steadily updating the Metasploit Module Reference section of Metasploit Unleashed and also added some great new content covering the setup and usage of databases with Metasploit under BackTrack4 R2. This month also saw the introduction of the excellent GUI front-end, Armitage.
Dec 15, 2010
1 min read

Kali Linux
Metasploit Pro Added to the PWB Labs
We are very happy to announce that our Penetration Testing with BackTrack online labs now include installations of Metasploit Pro. Deep within our lab network, students who Try Harder™ will encounter credentials for these installations that will allow them to enjoy the use of a tool that simplifies many of the tasks that they had to perform manually.
Dec 13, 2010
6 min read